Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Empty Coolers and Lost Shirt Tails

Not much happening this year during bow season in the western Kentucky deer woods. The weather was too dang hot and the deer just weren't moving. We know there are a lot of deer on this property but they were just not milling around in this humidity. In fact we know there are some big deer here, since Dad and I saw two monsters out in the fields our first night in camp. But unfortunately those big boys decided to be "no- shows" under our stands.

And as much practicing as I thought I did with my bow this past summer, I apparently still suck. I missed a fat doe at 30 yards. Inexcusable!! I guess I need to shoot a lot more from a stand and practice even more. Maybe it was just the jitters?

But at least I wasn't the only one in camp that got his shirttail cut off. Ben missed a little buck as well out of his stand. Which is a shame since I really wanted to be there when he killed his first. I wanted to help paint him up. Oh well hopefully we'll have better luck and colder temps in November when we come back up for rifle season.